S100-008H 318279 0425-8205KZ 04258205KZ T912394 127607 318166 04254537KZ turbo for DEUTZ BF4M2012C
ForVolvo 140,Volvo BL61 with DEUTZ BF4M2012C,,
- Jingsheng
- FengCheng,China
- According to the quantity
- 8000pcs
- Information
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Model | S100-008H |
Part Number | 318279 0425-8205KZ 04258205KZ T912394 127607 318166 04254537KZ 0425-4537KZ 318281 |
Engine | DEUTZ BF4M2012C |
Appliciation | Volvo 140 Volvo BL61 |
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