How to adjust the adjustment device of the turbocharger?
2022-11-08 10:43Most of the current turbocharger accessories are adjusted on the exhaust side, and when charging
is not required, such as idling or deflagration, part of the exhaust will be drained through the
bypass valve without entering the turbocharger TO4B53 465044-5261. When the engine speed
reaches 1800 rpm, the solenoid valve closes the bypass valve to direct the exhaust flow to the
turbine side, causing the turbine to rotate. In addition, there is a design that adjusts the angle of
the turbine blades, and adjusts the speed of the turbine through the change of resistance, thereby
changing the amount of boosting.
Cooling the air allows the air to shrink and increase its density, stuff more air into the same volume,
and prevent deflagration. Therefore, the turbocharger of the car is installed with an intercooler, which
is generally cooled by air, installed in front of, next to or in a separate position of the engine radiator,
using the car's head-on air flow or its own fan cooling.
If the oil supply is slow due to low oil pressure, the bearings will be damaged and the turbocharger
will fail. Such failures do not occur during normal engine starts, but if the engine starts for the first
time after changing the oil and oil filter, the oil supply will be slow, resulting in a lack of oil lubrication
in the bearings. Drivers who use turbocharger cars must follow the manufacturer's instructions to
operate, and pay great attention to the quality of the oil, and it is not appropriate to treat
turbocharger cars as ordinary cars to operate.