Payment and delivery
Payment method: T/T Alibaba PayPal
Payment terms: customers need to pay a certain proportion of the payment, and the factory will start production after receiving the funds.
The balance should be paid before delivery.
The quotation of the factory is EXW, and the customer needs to pay the freight. But the factory can help contact the shipping company and pay the freight in advance.
Mode of transportation: air or sea.
Air:It supports DHL, TNT, FedEx, UPS, etc., and can be delivered to the door in 4-7 days. The factory also signs a contract with the express company, which can give a big discount and reduce the cost of customers.
Sea:The factory can help deliver the goods to the designated port. And prepare contract, invoice, packing list and other customs declaration materials for customers.
Other problems arising from payment and delivery shall be settled in accordance with the contract.