Why the turbocharged engine speed up slow?

2022-09-05 09:24

Turbocharged engine means that turbochargers are installed in the exhaust pipe of 

the engine. The exhaust gas drives the turbine to rotate, and the turbine drives the 

coaxial impeller to work, so as to improve the air intake of the engine and improve 

the work of the engine per unit time. First of all, to give you a clear answer, when 

the vehicle is running at low speed, the turbocharger is effective, it is normal work, 

there is no doubt about it.

turbocharged engine

The starting feeling of turbocharged engine is very poor. This kind of slow start is 

not that the turbocharger works slowly, but that the time required for the turbocharger 

to reach a stable state will be longer. When we look at the parameters of a turbocharged 

engine, it can be clearly seen that its MAX torque is 250Nm/ 1500rpm ~4500rpm. 

When owners see this parameter, they will mistakenly think that the turbocharger 

will not work until the engine speed is 1500rpm. In fact, this statement is very incorrect. 

In fact, the whole turbocharger has been involved in the work when the engine is more 

than 900 RPM. Only when the working condition is unstable, can the turbocharger work 

stably and continuously when the speed of the starter reaches 1500rpm.


Started generally are owners, owners willing to speed up on the accelerator, the owners 

of vehicles is expected response rapidly, but in the beginning, the engine did not reach 

the state of the turbocharger and the engine response isn't very fast, the engine power 

levels at this time as the same level self-priming engine, vehicle accelerating ability poor 


turbocharged engine

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