High temperature is a hazard to turbochargers

2022-08-30 10:58

Turbochargers have simple structure, do not consume the power of the engine itself, 

and high boost value. These factors lead to the powerful advantages of turbocharging. 

But the principle of turbocharging poses one of its biggest pitfalls: high temperatures. 

It is this hidden danger that has delayed the introduction of turbocharging into the 

civilian sector.


Heat comes from several sources. The first is the exhaust gas temperature, as we said 

before, the exhaust temperature of the gasoline engine can reach 750-900 degrees 

at full load, and it is nearly 700 degrees under general working conditions. The exhaust 

gas cools itself as it spins the turbine, and this temperature is absorbed by the turbine



Secondly, the shaft connecting the turbine and the impeller rotates at a high speed 

of more than 100,000 revolutions, and the friction between the shaft and the bearing 

generates a lot of heat. Finally, the inlet impeller constantly inhales the air, compresses 

the air, and its temperature will rise. These factors add up to make the whole turbocharger 

in the absolute "heat".

gasoline engine

Turbine failure caused by high temperature is mainly caused by turbine blade 

deformation and ablation and rotating shaft strain failure. Over the years, engineers 

have come up with ways to deal with this problem, which come down to two things: 

using more heat-resistant materials and using more efficient ways to cool the 


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