The main cause of oil leakage in turbochargers
2022-08-23 09:46The leakage of turbocharger mainly includes the leakage of intake system, exhaust
system and lubrication system. Especially often occurs in the compressor end of the
supercharger accessories, because the compressor seal device by the impeller side
is a low pressure area, prone to oil leakage. The main causes of supercharger oil
leakage are as follows:
1. Failure of sealing device
The failure of the sealing device, especially the compressor end O-ring to lose the oil
sealing effect, which directly leads to the leakage of lubricating oil into the compressor
housing, at this time, the supercharger will be damaged due to the lack of oil lubrication,
at the same time, the oil leakage into the vortex housing to form carbon deposition,
affecting the normal operation.
2.Air filter dust blocking
The air filter element is not cleaned in time, resulting in excessive accumulation of
dust and the formation of obstruction, resulting in the compressor inlet negative
pressure is too high, in the compressor turbocharger impeller back negative pressure
high and the formation of compression oil leakage.
3. The oil return pipeline is not smooth
If the oil pressure of the main oil passage is low, the return pipe is blocked or the pipeline
is too thin, it will cause the oil return difficulty, and the high pressure will lead to the
lubricating oil flowing along the rotating axis to both ends, eventually causing oil leakage.
In addition, piston ring fracture or wear caused gas down to the crankcase, crankcase
ventilation pipe obstruction will also make the pressure of the oil pan increased, resulting
in the supercharger due to oil return is not free and oil leakage.