Current situation and development of Marine turbocharger

2022-08-16 10:02

Marine turbocharger is superior to steam engine and gas engine due to its large 

power range, high efficiency, low energy consumption and easy operation and 

maintenance, and has established a dominant position in the propulsion equipment 

of civil ships and small and medium-sized ships. The overall structure of the Marine 

Marine turbocharger and parts structure improved, especially the electronic technology, 

automatic control technology application in Marine turbocharger, make its various

technical indicators continue to innovate, the market has a number of good performance, 

low fuel consumption, power range, emissions in accordance with the legal standard, 

the high reliability of the product. The status quo and development trend of Marine 

turbocharger are briefly described below.

marine turbocharger

Low speed Marine turbochargers have become the main power of large oil tankers, 

large dry bulk carriers and large container ships due to their excellent performance, 

good reliability, easy operation and maintenance, and ability to burn inferior fuel. 

The latest type of low-speed Marine supercharger is similar in many aspects, namely 

in structure, it adopts non-cooled fuel injector, variable injection timing oil pump, 

long-size connecting rod, hydraulic driven exhaust valve, single valve DC scavenger, 

constant pressure supercharger and high-efficiency turbocharger. In terms of 

performance, the average effective pressure is constantly improved, the average 

piston speed is increased, the component structure is improved, the strength is 

increased, the original low fuel consumption level is maintained, the single cylinder 

power is constantly increased, the service life is extended. The electronic hydraulic 

control system replaces the traditional mechanical CAM drive mechanism, simplifies 

the design of Marine supercharger, reduces the cost and optimizes the operation 



The method of improving propulsion efficiency is explored by increasing cylinder 

diameter ratio. By increasing the maximum combustion pressure, variable fuel timing 

and exhaust timing, the thermal efficiency potential of Marine supercharger is explored. 

Adopt NEW materials, improve the design of parts, control cylinder cooling water and 

cylinder lubricating oil with load, in order to improve the working reliability of parts and 

components, and increase the service life of Marine turbocharger. Through electronic 

control technology, the intelligent operation of Marine turbocharger is achieved.

marine turbocharger

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