League building activities

  In order to enrich the life of employees, the company often holds various interesting group building activities. We will take employees to dinner, or barbecue in the woods, and also organize employees to swim and soak in hot springs. There will also be singing competitions, basketball competitions, archery competitions, board games and other activities.

  Rich League building activities can not only enhance the cohesion of the team, but also coordinate the personal relationship in the team and enhance the feelings among the team members. When conflicts arise, other team members and "leaders" in the team will try to coordinate. Team members sometimes give up or temporarily slow down personal conflicts for the benefit of the team, focusing on the overall situation. After facing some problems together for many times, the team members will have a more tacit understanding, share weal and woe, make the team members care and understand each other, and enhance the feelings between the team members.

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